Bugs and Butterflies

In Circle time we…..

  • Discussed the life cycle of butterflies

  • Reinforced our knowledge by using our bodies to represent the stages of growth; curled up like an egg, inced like a caterpillar, took a nap in our chrysalis, and then flew around like beautiful butterflies

  • Practiced our butterfly poem

  • Introduced our new classmates; two tiny caterpillars! They live in small plastic containers up on Mrs. Rappaport’s shelf. We talked about how fragile they are, for that reason, we only use looking eyes. Friends took turns saying hi to our new friends using a magnifying glass.

  • Named our new friends; students contributed suggestions and Mrs. Rappaport drew two out of a hat. Unfortunately, Mrs. Rappaport vetoed classmate’s names, as well as Mommy and Daddy. Welcome Rosie and Lollipop!

  • Played ants in our pants. A favorite movement game; It starts with a deck of cards that have either colors or shapes on them. Students call out the shapes or colors as I flip the cards. Somewhere in the deck are ant cards, if I flip over an ant card everyone gets up and shakes the ants out of their pants!

  • Stories

This Week’s Stories

“The Ants Go Marching One By One” is another book on tape and the kids asked to see the tape, the concept fascinates them. I also had a cd in the player and showed them what a it looked like, telling them that it too could play music or stories. One friend said, “Yeah, and it plays movies in cars.” I love preschool.

Job Helpers

Line Leaders: Maika, Weston, and Christo Plant Helpers: Weston, Christo, Henry

Loft Closers: Christo, Henry, and Ethan

Art Projects

In the tall grass:

Inspired by our story, the kids used bug stamps pushing down on the paper with enough force to produce an image. Once they had created filled their paper, they got to work cutting “grass” for their bugs to hide under.

Life cycle necklace:

The kids glued different shaped pasta to “leaves” to represent the different stages of a butterfly’s growth. Once the glue had dried they were turned into necklaces.

Coffee Filter Butterflies:

The kids used droppers to pick up ink and drop onto coffee filters. Its was fun watching the colors spread!

Easel Art:

Students finished their big cats from last week by adding stickers. They also stamped some ants on pants.

Sensory Table

Action Shots


Sea Week


Animal Week