Spring Has Come

After a surprise snowstorm last week, it actually feels like Spring has finally arrived. We looked at the beautiful daffodils growing in front of MWS and enjoyed making flower projects this week to decorate our classroom.

In addition to the daffodils, the children made pussywillows, hyacinths, and cherry blossoms. Our bulletin board (below) is a pleasure to look at.

We enjoyed a variety of snacks this week. On Monday, we had fruit salad made with apples, clementines and strawberries. The children loved it! In fact, they ate all of our fruit salad and also the leftovers from the Green Class. It was a big hit. On Wednesday, our cooking day, the children baked coffee cake. Of course, there is no coffee in coffee cake so I explained to them that many people like to eat coffee cake while drinking a cup of coffee. The children pretended that their water bottles were filled with coffee and enjoyed it with the coffee cake.

Some of the activity choices this week were:

I hope you were able to enjoy the eclipse on Monday. Even though we were not in an area of totality, my husband and I had a fun time on the lawn at the Lexington Community Center. My husband (a retired astronomer) focused the image through our birding telescope onto paper. It was another way to view the eclipse. This is what it looked like:

This week the children had time sitting with me individually to do two activities. The first one required the children to put colored craft sticks into the same pattern that is on the card. They enjoyed going through many of the picture cards. The second activity also involved picture cards with stacking cups. The cards start with 3 cups and work up to using all 8 cups.

Our Circle Time visitor this week has been this lovely deer. I had no idea how to sing to a deer so we listened to one on youtube. Anyone walking by the Orange Classroom when we sang to the deer was wondering “What is happening in that classroom?”

On Thursday, instead of going to the wet playground, the children had a sewing lesson. When I said the word ‘thread’, many children asked “What is thread?”. When they made Corduroy’s pocket, they used a plastic needle and yarn. I pulled my little sewing kit (I called it a baby purse) out of my cabinet and put everything on the tray. Many of the children called out “My mommy has that.” I showed them each object in the sewing kit and then used the needle and thread to sew two pieces of cloth together. I was glad to use the sewing kit because it has been untouched in my cabinet for 15 years.


Elephant, Piggie, and Friends


Random Week