Lexington MA Preschool & Prekindergarten Program | My Weekday School

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Animal Week

In circle time we….

We read books about animals

Practice the poem Mary had a little lamb

Using puzzles pieces we sorted what animals live in the wild and what animals are pets

Movement breaks and animal yoga

Learned what a cassette tape is and how they work

Story Time Books

Job Helpers

Line Leaders: Weston, Emmett, and Maika. Plant Helpers: Maika, Emmett, and Christo

Loft Closers: Emmett, Maika, and Christo

Art Projects

Pipe Cleaner Snake:

Kids created a snake by threading paper straws through a pipe cleaner. Great for their hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

Elmer the elephant:

After reading the book “Elmer,” the kids created their own version by glueing on a variety of different color squares. They were asked to cover both sides, which was hard for some, but helped work on building their stamina.

After all that work, they got moving and grooving making elephant feet. The feet were made using an empty oatmeal container, mini koosh balls, grey paint, and toilet paper rolls. All those materials were put inside the container, sealed, and shook until the rolls were covered with grey paint.

The kids also spent some time at the easel painting a large yellow cat inspired the book, “Put Me in The Zoo.” After drying over the weekend, everyone added dot stickers to their cat.

Sensory Table Fun

Safari animals and wood “tree” blocks

This week we will be saying goodbye at the door with: