Lexington MA Preschool & Prekindergarten Program | My Weekday School

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Community Helper

Welcome back to school! The kids were happy to be back playing with their friends, diving right back into the school routine with ease. I was so happy to see them!

This week we focused on community helpers. We talked about the different professions in our community; such as doctors, firemen, trash collectors, teachers, etc. We talked about what it meant to be a community helper, reading several books about different professions, and creating art projects based on the theme.

 Monday the kids got to be doctors! They drew ‘boo boos’ on a figure and took care of their patient by applying  bandages. There is nothing better to three-year-olds than band aids; we ran out! They were also able to give check ups to their teachers, friends, and puppets using our pretend doctor kits.

Tuesday, the kids made a recycling truck; gluing shapes and tearing newspapers. They also played in construction sensory bins with popcorn kernels and trucks.

March is dental health month, so on Thursday, we did art project about teeth! For the art project; the kids used a toothbrush to “brush” a yellow tooth white again using a mixture of shaving cream and glue.

We also learned Raffi’s song Brush Your Teeth. I forgot what an ear worm that song is! During circle, I talked about how to keep our teeth healthy and happy. The kids also had a special visitor come during circle time; Dr. McCafferty who is a pediatric dentist and MWS school mom!

Dr McCafferty talked about healthy dental habits and talked about what foods are good for our teeth and what foods can be harmful to our teeth. We then played a game to test our knowledge using a magnetic board with a tooth. The bad foods stuck to the magnetic tooth and the good foods fell off! We ended the visit by having each student practice brushing a puppets’s teeth and received a little goody bag from the doctor.

In music with Ms. Wada, we learned how to make different animal yoga poses. Once we go that down, Ms. Wada showed us how to do them while listening to “Morning Mood,” from Peer Gynt by Edward Greig. It was so much fun!

Next week we will be talking about transportation.

See you at school,

Ms. Rappaport