Lexington MA Preschool & Prekindergarten Program | My Weekday School

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Smitten for Mittens

I want to start by thanking the green class for their flexibility this week. I was out on Tuesday and Thursday, because my son got a stomach bug. He is all better and I’ll be back for all the action on Monday. Hooray!

This week’s focus was centered on the story The Mitten by Jan Brett. We made mittens two ways.

The first mitten was made by wetting some water color paper in the shape of a mitten. The kids placed down colorful tissue paper squares and then got to use a squirt bottle getting tissue paper wet and cause the ink to seep into the paper. The pieces were pulled off to reveal a beautiful water color effect.

Mitten Tree

The next mitten we made was a wax resist. The kids drew on a paper mitten with white cray-pas. Once the made their ‘design’ they used liquid water colors and surprise their design appeared! Magic, I know.

We learned the poem snow, hopefully I sent it home! And practiced it throughout the week.

The song of the week was a special request; On Top Of Spaghetti. I had forgotten how silly it was!

On Monday we will be decorating a wood tree with “meatballs’ and ‘spaghetti.” I was surprised that meatballs can grow into spaghetti trees! I learn something new every day :)

Our focus next week will be bears and hibernation. I will also be sending you an email in regards to Valentines day.

Thank you,

Mrs. Rappaport

Our last project was based on the book It Looked Like Spilt Milk by Charles G. Shaw. The kids dripped and squeezed some white paint on the paint, folded it over, and opened to reveal an image. After talking about seeing shapes in clouds and snow, we went around circle and each child looked at their art and described what they saw.