Lexington MA Preschool & Prekindergarten Program | My Weekday School

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Squirrels And Acorns

This week was a little squirrely and school only had two days! That’s nuts! The green class’s focus was on talking about squirrels and acorns. I asked my friends if they had noticed a particularly busy animal this week because my dog certainly has! I had a couple friends shout “squirrel” and then got some funny stories about squirrels.

We discussed how  squirrels are very busy right now collecting nuts so they have food during the winter. In Busy Squirrel, the squirrel was so busy collecting nuts, he didn't have time to play with his friends and then, after his work was done, he was too tired to play and he took a long nap in his cosy tree. I asked them why was squirrel so busy right now, couldn’t he just get some nuts another time?  My friends are so smart and they told me because it gets too cold. 

Our poem was “5 Little Acorns On A Tree”. Each student got a chance to pretend to be the wind and blow the acorn off the tree, then another student was the squirrel collecting the nuts and putting them in a hole to hide them. This was a lot of fun because in the middle of the circle we heard a knocking sound. I went to the tree to discover a guest living in our tree! A squirrel! The kids got to hug the squirrel and help him gather the acorns. Ms. Rappaport let the squirrel keep his acorns in the tree so he wouldn't make a ruckus during circle time but he did it again on Thursday. 

I introduced the song “I’m A Nut,” which is so silly and got some laughs. The laughter continued when I also taught them “Open, Shut Them.” At the end of the song the kids had to quickly tuck their hands behind their back so they wouldn't get chomped on by their mouths, this is super funny apparently. 

We had a fire drill this week on Thursday and everyone of my little bears did an amazing job! They put down whatever they were doing, listened to my instructions, and headed outside with the teachers. Once safely at the playground, we did some jumping and counting, and before we knew, it Mrs. Reiss came out with her bell telling us it was all clear to go back inside.

We made acorns and squirrels this week to decorate our bulletin board and they will come home in a couple weeks. I decided not to send home the acorn poem this week because we are moving on to pumpkins next week and this week was so short.  I will send home the  “Open Shut Them” lyrics and our pumpkin poem on Monday.

Here are some questions to ask

  1. What was the fire drill like? 

  2. Did the fairy visit? Yes and she decorated her garden with some sparkles, she ate the apple from last week. She also magically replaced Finn’s name card. Silly fairy

  3. What is living in our class tree? What does it like to eat?

  4. Was music fun this week?  What was the special thing that you got to shake? Egg shaker

Have a great weekend, I look forward to seeing the kiddos on Monday!

Ms. Rappaport