Lexington MA Preschool & Prekindergarten Program | My Weekday School

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In Circle

  • Learned the hokey pokey

  • Stories

  • Practiced our poem

  • Sang Itsy Bitsy Spider

    This Week’s Books

Art Projects

Rainbow Cloud:

The ‘rainbow cloud’ started at the easel; student gave their cloud texture by using a scrub brush and white paint. After the cloud dried, pipe cleaners were threaded through holes at the bottom. To secure the pipe cleaners, students learned how to bend and twist them holding them in place. Students were asked to put a least one “Rain drop” on by threading beads and straw through pipe cleaners. Great for hand-eye coordination and fine motor.

Blow art

Students were given an image of rain boots and asked to identify all the circles. They placed stickers on all the circles making their polka dot rain boots. The next day students practiced blowing air out of straws, and then using pipettes, picked up and squeeze watercolor onto their paper. They then blew the liquid across the page with their straws. The cut out rain boots were glued on top. Splash!

Little Cloud

After reading the story “The Little Cloud” by Eric Carle, the kids painted their own cloud. The story is about a little cloud that drifts across the sky changing shapes as it goes into different objects such as a hat or an airplane. Once the students were finished making their clouds, they described to us what they saw.

Rainy Sky

A drop of white paint and drop of black was put on the paper. The task was to mix two colors on their page in order to create grey. Once the grey sky was created, rain drops and lighting bolts were added.

Action Shots

I forgot to take a picture of our sensory table this week, but we had plastic bugs with egg cartons, corn, and beans!