Lexington MA Preschool & Prekindergarten Program | My Weekday School

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Picture Day

How lucky we were to have beautiful weather for Picture Day(s). During this extraordinary year, our wonderful photographer was not able to come inside our building to set up a little studio and take the photos. This gorgeous weather meant he had all the light he needed outdoors and didn’t need a tent to keep out the rain. Year after year I am amazed at his ability to get a smile out of every child and snap the picture at just the right moment. I’m looking forward to seeing the finished product.

It was a quiet week in rm 12. The children all know what they need to do (play, talk and listen during Circle Time, play outdoors). The class runs on autopilot. The books to be read, the weekly visitor, the poems may change, but the children can count on the routine of the morning.

Our Circle Time visitor this week gave us a repeat visit. The children were very happy to have Princess Celestia return. Each day I would press the button and we’d listen to some of the things she says. When she said “I love being a Princess. Are you a Princess?”, everyone agreed that I should put on my crown. I put it on and returned to my seat. But these children remember everything. Someone called out “You must put on your diamonds.” Sure enough I put my enormous diamond rings on my fingers.

On Friday we had another visitor. The children discovered that there was a wedge of cheese under a small bookcase that is nailed to the wall so not moveable. That wedge of cheese had been there since last year. (No toy cheese this year.) Well, what am I to do when given a wedge of cheese? Get a mouse to eat it, of course!

I cherish the photo you put together of all the children for Teacher Appreciation Week. I have it posted on my desk at home and love to see the children’s smiling faces every day.