Lexington MA Preschool & Prekindergarten Program | My Weekday School

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A Short Week

When I arrived at school early Monday morning, I did not anticipate that the Orange Class would have a very short week. COVID and winter weather interrupted our plans. But we sure fit a lot of activity into our abbreviated Monday and Thursday.

When the Brio trains and tracks were on the rug earlier in the year, the children would arrive with the tracks already assembled. This week, the bucket of tracks and trains were on the rug and the children had to work together to lay out a usable track to run the trains. Watching them as they figured out where to put all the pieces was an opportunity to see how much the children have grown since September.

We were able to decorate our bulletin board with hats and mittens. Note that the ‘matching’ mittens have the same decorations on the individual pairs. The children were directed to be sure to put the same pieces on each. All were able to do that; some even put the decorations in matching places. On Thursday I read ‘The Mitten Tree’ about a women who gets much pleasure from knitting mittens for the children in her neighborhood.