Lexington MA Preschool & Prekindergarten Program | My Weekday School

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Dental Health Week

This was a big week in the Orange Classroom. For the first time in many months, 12 children were in school at the same time. We have 14 children in total, with a maximum of 12 each day. Because of vacations, illness, or a break from school, it has been since before Thanksgiving that our classroom was full. As the teacher, I must admit that I had to remember my classroom management skills during Circle Time with 12 children to ensure that the children were listening when it was my turn to talk, everyone who wanted to be speak had the opportunity, and piano (soft) voices were used rather than screaming voices. Everyone was very happy to be together again.

At MWS we like to promote healthy habits and Dental Health Week has much to offer in terms of projects, books, songs, and a real life dentist!

On Monday, the children made a tooth-filled mouth using ‘marshmallow’ teeth. As I gave the children the marshmallows, I called them teeth. Every day this week, everyone was given one ‘tooth’ to eat along with their snack. On the first day, many children said that we cannot eat teeth. I told them that some people call these marshmallows but I call them teeth, and these are the kind that can be eaten. I think some of the children are unfamiliar with marshmallows. As the week progressed, more children ate their ‘tooth’, but some children are still choosing to not eat the ‘tooth.’

On Thursday, MWS parent and pediatric dentist Dr. McCafferty, came to school to talk to the children about how to take care of their teeth. One thing I learned is that gummy vitamins stick to the teeth but chewable vitamins do not.

Our mouths with many teeth. (Tuesday project)

The children’s toothbrushes. (Thursday project)

Everyone painted a tooth for our giant mouth. One baby tooth has fallen out.

I always end this update with our special visitor during Circle Time. I was so busy getting Circle Time settled in with our full complement of children that I never took out our visitor from my bucket. And the children never reminded me that we need a visitor. Next week, we will have a very special visitor.