Lexington MA Preschool & Prekindergarten Program | My Weekday School

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Fire Drill

On Wednesday, October 28, we had a fire drill. We are required to have them monthly. In order to have everyone in the flex class have one, sometimes we have 2 in one week. In the past, our fire drills have been orchestrated by Kathy Reiss with her ringing a bell as she walks in the hall. In our social story book about having a fire drill, we talk about sometimes hearing the bell and sometimes hearing the alarm come out of the red box on the wall that all the children can see. Today the Lexington Fire Department came to observe and they pulled the real alarm coming from the red box. This is louder than the hand-held bell.

The children did very well, especially considering this was the first time they heard the loud alarm. I'm pleased to say no one had to be carried (I've done that plenty of times over the years). We were in the middle of snack and the children immediately stopped eating and did what they have been taught to do. I'm going to let the children tell you what they did but I will give you some hints for appropriate questions. Even if your child didn't come to school today, it's always good to review what happens during a fire drill.

When you hear the alarm, do you finish what you are doing before going outside?
If it's raining, do you get your coats on before going outside?
If your hands are covered in glue or paint, do you wash them first before going outside?
If you're eating snack, do you finish your snack before going outside?
If it's snowing, do you put on boots before going outside?
Who is in the front of the line? (always one of the teachers)
Where do you go when you leave the building?
Do you play on the playground when there is a fire drill?
What does Mrs. Levine do when we are all outside? (count the children)
Who tells us that it's okay to go back into the school? (Mrs. Reiss or the Fireman)

After we were back in our classroom and back to eating snack, Asst Chief Flaherty came to our door to tell the boys and girls that he was watching and they did a great job. It was a nice exchange with him and everyone gave him a thumbs up!