Lexington MA Preschool & Prekindergarten Program | My Weekday School

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Hat and Mitten Weather

This week our projects reflected Hat and Mitten Weather. The children made mittens with watercolors one day, and matching shapes another day. It’s always interesting to see the children’s way of envisioning the matching mittens: they are taught to pick out the shapes that match; some attempt to place them similarly on the two mittens; some put the same shapes on each mitten but in no particular order; and some place the pieces he/she likes. The hats were decorated with small squares, in a design of each child’s choosing.

I’m always looking for activities for the children to engage their fine motor muscles. Before they are able to hold a pencil, crayon, or marker with a mature finger grasp, the fine motor muscles have to grow and strengthen. Today, and into next week, everyone will have the opportunity to punch holes in paper with a variety of hole punches. Many projects or toys used at school may seem like fun for the children, but the teachers are always looking for things that will engage the children and help grow developmental skills.

During Circle Time this week, we have had some very interesting discussions. We talked about being sad and crying. Some children spoke of times that they are sad and cry. I said that sometimes I am sad and cry, and then I leave the crying aside and cheer up. Sometimes I cry when I get a boo-boo, which all the children said happens to them. Sometimes everyone cries, but then the crying stops and we move on.

Sometimes, the conversations take interesting twists and turns. A child may say a word causing another child to think of something related to the word but a different topic. That happened today (Friday). A child said that his daddy plays golf. That was followed by a child saying her mommy and daddy do golf but she doesn’t like golf. The same child followed that up with “I don’t want to grow up.” That led to a discussion about “Do grown-ups have fun just like children do?” Many children weighed in during this discussion and all the teachers, including Mrs. Reiss, spoke about things they do that are fun. Mrs. Dotivala said that she has fun as a grown up because she can have chocolate whenever she wants to!

Last but not least, I’m sure you have been in suspense as to who our class visitor was this week during Circle Time. It was Princess Celestia, a talking unicorn pony. Every time I press the button, her wings light up and she says one of her many short sentences.