Lexington MA Preschool & Prekindergarten Program | My Weekday School

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Shapes Everywhere

The children were happy to be back in school after the holiday weekend. We kept busy talking about shapes all week. We read poems about shapes, read many books about shapes, did themed puzzles, created art projects with shapes, and played with shapes during Free Play. We even had special friends come to Circle Time and sang our Hello song to them.

Our Circle Time visitors.

Square, Triange, and Circle Puzzles

I can’t remember if I’ve told you about our Treasure Hunt game. I have many packets of themed matching pictures. The children are given one picture while the matching pictures are hidden around our classroom. When ready, the children walk around the room, find their match, and return to the rug with their matches. We have done this with their matching photographs, kinds of food, and this week we used shapes.

Many of my Circle Time props/toys have become very desired by many children. Many have begun to say “I want that” for almost all of these toys. My response is “Tell Mommy”. And in case they tell you to go to Target, my usual response when asked where to get them is “Target.” Of course, I’ve been collecting these things for 20 years and many were either gifts, hand-me-downs, or yard-sale finds. One of the items that they want their families to see is the ‘Mosquito’, or that is what I call it. No one wants to get bitten by the Mosquito.