Welcome to the Green Class!

We’ve had so much fun in September! We’ve spent time in the Big Room and on the playground, developing gross motor skills and making new friends. The Green Class often goes to both places with the Orange Preschool class.

We had three birthdays this month! Each child was celebrated in a special way.

  • For Evie (3), we made microphones and had a Frozen dance party

  • For Maika (4), we made magic wands

  • For Christo (4), we painted with trucks and played with dinosaurs

We learned about germs, both good and bad. We read the book “Germs Are Not For Sharing” and made our very own germs by gluing scrap materials to paper plates. Painting with confetti finger paint demonstrated how germs can stick to our hands. The children learned how much those germs can stick, and they worked hard to wash them (the confetti) off. To help the children wash long enough to really get their hands clean, we learned a special hand-washing song.

It’s always important to be safe at school, so we learned some ways to practice safety. Every time we walk to the the playground, we walk safely in the crosswalk, and we’ve talked about playing safely on the playground. We have also read a book about what will happen when we have a fire drill. All of these things will help the children to be safe at school.

We’ve been having lots of fun at circle time! We learned some new songs, including “Twinkle, Twinkle Traffic Light.” We also read The Kissing Hand, and made our own kissing hands to go along with the story.

Other books we read at circle time included:

  • Whose Birthday Is It?

  • Dinosaur Goes to School

  • Paw Patrol Puppy Birthday

  • Wheels

Our month was rounded out by playing with dress up clothes and babies, and playing a shape memory game. Now that we’re all settled in, we can’t wait for October fun!

— Mrs. Arsenault


So Long, Summer / Imaginary Play


Sea Week