
Hello Red Class Families,

What a wonderful, but very busy, December! In addition to our letters of the week, we have been busy cooking and making TONS of seasonal crafts! Later this week, you will see the handmade holiday present, gift bag and card your child made for you.

We have spent a great deal of time focusing on gingerbread over the past few weeks. We read several books about the subject at Circle Time. We made our own gingerbread kid during one of our cooking days. Unfortunately, I accidentally left the classroom door opened during Circle Time. Can you believe that our gingerbread kid ran away?! Thankfully, Mrs. Reiss grabbed the gingerbread kid just as it was heading to the parking lot!


One new social-emotional concept was introduced this week: a voice volume scale. Sometimes, we are playing with our friends and we don’t realize how loud our voice volume becomes. At Circle Time, I modeled what each voice scale sounds like. There were times this week when I heard a friend say, “That sounds like a number four.” It’s great to see that self-awareness. This is a concept we will continue to address in the class.


Here are some additional classroom photos:

Every Tuesday, the Red Class has music with Mrs. Wada. For the month of December, we have been using bells and tambourines to dance to the music from the Nutcracker.


Until next time…

Mrs. Chen


Footprints in the Snow


Giving Thanks