Giving Thanks

Hello Red Class Families,

We had a wonderful November in the Red Classroom. We made and brought our cornbread to the Pre-K feast with the Yellow Class. We made a variety of Thanksgiving art: pumpkin pies, turkeys and turkey hats.


We also spent some time learning about shapes. We used shapes to make block print art, collages, and “glued” some together with shaving cream in our sensory table.


We have been focusing on kindness and respect this past month. We have been reading a kindness book series at Circle Time. We are learning how to slow down and play in a gentle way, to be more respectful to our teachers and classroom friends, and to share and be more kind to others. We have had a chance to practice these skills as we enter the building, the classroom, the Big Room with the Yellow Class, on the playground with the younger kids, and at pick up. We are going to continue to talk about these concepts until the end of the year.

Here are some additional classroom photos:

Every Friday, the Red and Orange Classes come together for movement class. Mrs. Levine leads those gross motor classes as we we listen to her directions and get out wiggles out. We practice keeping a rhythm to a variety of songs. We work on crossing our midline. We also learn vocabulary such as clockwise and counter clockwise.


Until next time…

Mrs. Chen




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