Dinosaur Week

Dinos, dinos, everywhere…..that’s what it was like in the Orange Classroom this week. I dare say that preschoolers universally love dinosaurs, but even if someone does not, there is a dinosaur activity that everyone enjoys. Some of the projects the children are made are now on our bulletin board for all to enjoy.

It may be hard to tell from the picture, but these projects required the children to paint fully a surface, tear paper, and scrunch tissue paper, all of which are great for fine motor skills. Some of the dinosaur play choices this week were:

Picture Day is always exciting at MWS. Our photographer, Mr. Michael (Michael Lozier), always amazes the teachers with his ability to capture wonderful pictures with seemingly little effort. I guess that’s why he’s a professional photographer. In case you’re curious, here he is at work this past Monday.

As I drove to work on Tuesday after voting in the election, I thought it would be nice for the children to also vote. Some of them may have heard you talking about election day or voting and this gave me an opportunity to have the children experience an election and hear some of the language associated with it. As you can see below, a tray of colored squares with a basket was put before the children. I explained to them that we are going to have an election and everyone would vote for their favorite color by putting a square in the basket. After voting, we tallied the votes and blue was the winner. I’ve always seen that at this age, children are very focused on ‘winners’ and ‘losers’. There is no gray area. Some children were not quite ready to see the winner as ‘blue’, but rather, if they had voted for ‘blue’, I heard “I won!”. I attempted to explain that none of the children won the election, but rather ‘blue’ was the winner.

A wonderful game that encompasses this concept and separates the individual from the winner is “The Snail’s Pace Race” by Ravensburger toys.


Corduroy and Rainbows


Healthy Teeth Week