Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Everyone in the Yellow Class was excited to see each other after the holiday break. We got right back into our routine doing all of the things we love best: building with legos and other small manipulatives, painting, coloring, making collages and imaginary play.

We put the light table under the loft. The children loved building on it with the transparent legos and pattern blocks.

Did your child tell you that they used a salad spinner to create art? To see the final product, you must come to the art show on Saturday, January 27!

We read a wonderful book this week called Waiting for Winter, by Sebastian Meschenmoser. This is a humorous tale about a squirrel who is anxiously awaiting his first snowfall.  His animal friends describe snow as being white, cold, soft and wet.  Squirrel witnesses a series of different objects falling from the sky which meet this description but in fact are not snow.  At the end of the story, he is finally rewarded with his first real snowfall. The children could empathize with Squirrel as they too waited all week long for some snow. As I write this, it looks like they will be rewarded with snow to play in when they come back to school this week. We are looking forward to playing in the snow with them!

Maggie and Jan


Having Fun Inside And Out


Happy Holidays