In Circle Time We……
Sequencing pumpkin life cycle
Practice name recognition
Carved a jack-o-lantern
Sang Pumpkin song from Music class taking turns making pumpkin poses
Pumpkins Everywhere poem; after reading poem out loud, we went around saying good morning to each friend and placing a pumpkin besides them. At the end of our morning hellos, there were pumpkins EVERYWHERE!
What We Read This Week
Pumpkin Eye By: Denise Fleming. Skeleton Hiccups By: Margery Cuyler. Peek-a-Who? By Nina Laden.
10 Trick-or-Treaters By: Janet Schulman. Who Will I Be? By: Shirley Neitzel
Who Had Jobs?
Line Leaders: Maika, Ella, and Brooke
Plant Helpers: Brooke and Ella
Art Projects
Spider Webs:
Our first attempt at lacing. Kids were given a paper plate with center cut out and hole punches along the rim. They were asked to weave the string in and out of the holes to create a web. Ms. Rappaport glued on a plastic spider once the webs were complete
Kids were given scrub sponges and asked to cover a black piece of paper using yellow and red paint. The idea was to mix the two colors on the page creating orange. The paper also had a bat taped on it. Once the kids filled their page, the bat shape was peeled off to reveal a bat.
This was a work out for those fine motor muscles in their fingers. The kids were given a pile of cotton balls, glue, and a ghost shape. The kids picked up the cotton balls by pinching them, dabbing them in glue, and pressing down hard sticking them to the paper.
Pumpkin Mummy
Kids each picked out a pumpkin. Painted it in glue, wrapped in gauze, and googly eyes applied
Free art stations included painting a ghost shape on the easel and making spider finger puppets. We used the puppets in circle time
Sensory Fun
Action Cam Pics

Conversation Starters
Ask your child to sing the spider song with you( songs went home in green folders this week)
What was the fresh fruit? Oranges
Sing the pumpkin song and pose like a jack-o-lantern. See if they remember the gestures that accompany the song
Pumpkin Pumpkin round and fat( turn around)
Turing into a jack-o-lantern just like……( strike a pose)
Thank you to all my students and families that were able to make it to back to school night on Wednesday. It was fun to see everyone!