Welcome Back

Welcome back! We had a quiet and mellow week, but still had tons of fun. We started our week off with a New Years project. The kids used a scrub brush and neon paint to make fireworks on black paper. Mrs. Stoler read a very timely book; How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon. 

We continued the rest of our week focusing on snow and snowmen. Tuesday the kids used various collected materials to make snowmen. On Thursday it was suggested that we count the snow people on our bulletin board, wouldn't you know it? We had exactly eight snowmen, the same number of kids in the class that day! 

Tuesday was an exciting day because we had a new friend join our class! We went over names and faces using our welcome song; “Where is…, please stand up, please stand up.”  This was also a good opportunity to go over our circle time rules; which is simply how to listen. What does it mean to be a good listener? A good listener has eyes that are looking, ears listening, mouth is closed, and body still. I read the book; Listening Time to reinforce this concept. The book describes and shows what it means to be a good listener, giving examples of good listening and what it looks like when someone is not listening.

Music with Mrs. Wada was lot of fun; we worked on galloping while moving in a circle and also tapping feet, heels, and then, switching foot. Alternating feet, heels, and then switching is hard but great for working coordination.

Thursday the kids made “snow” from baking soda and shaving cream. This involved the kids using their hands to mix the shaving cream into the powder. We talked about how the snow felt; did it feel cold? Would it melt? The kids described the mixture as feeling soft, but not cold and knew is wouldn’t melt. They were excited to have the opportunity to have indoor snow and outdoor snow( thankful that the weatherman delivered on that one!) What can I say? Life is good when you’re in preschool!

Enjoy the snow and have a wonder weekend,

Mrs. Rappaport


A Snowy Day


Jingle Bums