Bird Week & Mother’s Day

It was a busy week as we enjoyed all things birds and made a special Mother’s Day gift. I have been told that some mom’s opened their gift right away and some are waiting for Mother’s Day. No matter when the bag is opened, the children should sing the Mother’s Day song to you. The words went home in the gift bags in case your child needs a little assistance.

Has your child been singing bird songs at home this week? They enjoyed listening and learning them. We used this book and learned phrases to help remember the songs.

Robin: Cheerily cheer up, cheerily cheer up
Cardinal: Cheer Cheer, Party Party Party, Cheer Cheer, Party Party Party
Chickadee: Chickadee dee dee dee, Chickadee dee dee dee
Towhee: Drink your tea tweet, drink your tea tweet
Bobwhite: Bob - white, Bob - white
Barred Owl: Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you?

Red-winged Blackbird: Konk-a-ree, konk-a-ree

Some of the activity choices this week were:

This tree was a favorite all week with the children. All of these different species of birds live in harmony here.

These birds visited us during Circle Time every day. Your children worked hard to remember their names.

On Wednesday we baked ‘bird’s nest cookies’ and the Friday children made ‘real’ bird’s nests. Can you tell which is which?

Everyone had fun putting felt birds on this tree. First, we sang this song:

Little red bird, in the tree, in the tree, in the tree,

Little red bird, in the tree,

Sing me a song.

The child with that color bird stood up and said “Tweet Tweet….” while putting their bird on the tree. It was adorable to watch everyone take a turn while saying “Tweet Tweet.”

Our bulletin board is filled with birds.

During Music class we heard the sound of the glockenspiel while listening to the song of the Aquarium from the Carnival of the Animals. All of the children were able to use a plastic mallet to make the sound on Mrs. Wada’s glockenspiels. I learned that the glockenspiel has metal bars, while the xylophone has wood bars.


Farm Week


It’s May