End of the Year

The end of the school year always surprises me. For 10 months, school is always in my thoughts, whether I’m thinking about the children or thinking about the projects, toys, songs, or who the special Circle Time visitor will be in the classroom. Then, all of sudden, it’s June and the closing days of the year. It usually takes me about 2 weeks to get these thoughts out of my head and fully turn to the Summer break. It has been an honor and a privilege to be your child’s teacher this year. Every one of the children has made an impact on me because though they are all young developing children, each one is unique.

MWS always closes out the year with a special snack of ice cream and everyone enjoyed this special treat today.

Earlier in the week your child brought home their Memory Book from their time at MWS. I hope you enjoyed all the photographs of your child showing him/her engaged with many different school activities. I always enjoy looking at their photos and self-portraits over the course of the year to see the changes.

I hope you have a relaxing and fun summer. I will see the students returning to MWS in September and I wish the best to those families moving to new schools. On behalf of Ms. Adler, Mrs. Chen, Mrs. Dotivala, and Mrs. Wiryaman, I want to thank you for giving us the gift of your children and all of the fun we have had with them.


Welcome to School


Caterpillars and Butterflies