Happy New Year
I hope everyone enjoyed the December break, whether you stayed at home, travelled, visited with family, or kept busy around town. I wish for all to have a Happy and Healthy 2023. My goal was to sleep in every day, and I’m pleased to say I slept till at least 7:30am daily, sometimes getting out of bed closer to 8:30am. What a life! I rarely travel, but had the opportunity to visit my hometown overnight and have a mini reunion with cousins that I have not seen since before the pandemic. It was a luxury to stay in a hotel, be near the water, and have lunch overlooking the grass tennis courts at the International Tennis Hall of Fame. I grew up a mile from Easton’s Beach in Newport, RI, and though I’m not really a beach person, I always have a ‘home’ feeling when I cross the bridge to Aquidneck Island.
The children seemed to be glad to be back to their daily school routine. This week the weather kept us from going to the playground four days in a row. I’m always thinking about ways to keep the children busy without having the block of time devoted to the playground. To fill out the time, the children had Movement Class on two days, all played with play dough, or all played with their individual box of duplos. And most days, there was time for two stories instead of the usual one.
On Tuesday, the children made pictures with either stamps or coloring a page of feelings. These 4 books are very well written for this age and generated a lot of conversation about what happens when different feelings are experienced.
I planted the amaryllis that you gave me and each day we will watch for changes. The stem was bent over from being in the box when it was planted and already the children have seen it straighten up. Now we are watching for it to turn green and grow taller.
Our Circle Time visitors were George and Peppa Pig. The children questioned why George is bigger than Peppa. Ask your child and find out why.