Hedgie Finds a Friend
Our Circle Time friend this week has been a hedgehog, particularly appropriate after reading Apple Trouble last week. However, Hedgie started to feel lonely after a couple of days. The story I told the children goes something like this: Hedgie was getting lonely at school and wanted another hedgehog friend. He told Mrs. Reiss and on Thursday she brought Reggie’s (her dog’s) hedgehog to visit. The children were very happy to see that the two hedgehogs were able to be together. Your child should be able to tell you which is our hedgehog and which is Reggie’s (or which is Hedgie 1 and which is Hedgie 2). Be sure to ask your child how to sing the Hello song to them.
Your children are budding astronauts and everyone went into space this week.
On Tuesday, we had our first music class with Mrs. Wada, which we’ll have every week. The children enjoyed different ways to make music with egg shakers and saw that Mrs. Wada has forte and piano cards just like we have in our class.
In our sensory table there were apples, leaves, and jars this week. Unscrewing, filling, and screwing the tops back on helps the small hand muscles grow. This is an easy activity to do at home if you save some jars.
Mrs. Dotivala almost always has her hair tied up on her head. The children were surprised to see that she actually has very long hair. During Circle Time she was adjusting her hair and fixing the knot on the top. The children were mesmerized when they saw her very long hair so she did a demonstration for them on how she puts it all up on top.
Are you looking at the picture of the stairs in the front of the church building and wondering what do they have to do with school? Well, in the Orange Classroom we never pass up an opportunity for fun. One day we put on our coats and were lined up to go to the playground when I looked at my watch and saw that we were early and it was still the time for the PreK children. Instead we sat on the steps and waved to the cars and trucks that drove by. Almost all of the trucks beeped their horns for us and the children were laughing and clapping. They are looking forward to another day on the steps.
Our snack on Thursday was Persian style cucumbers. They were a big hit with the children, keeping Mrs. Dotivala busy as they kept saying “More please.” Recent fresh fruit/vegetable snacks have been carrots, watermelon, and apples. This class has been enjoying these fresh snacks more than other classes in recent memory.