Vacation Time

There has been a lot of excitement at school with Christmas just around the corner. Many children have Christmas trees in their houses, some even have more than one. I have never had a Christmas tree, but in my mind I picture one with wrapped presents all around the base of the tree. When I have asked individual children if there are presents under the tree, they look at me like I’m crazy; “no” has been the answer. I guess they can’t be under the tree because Santa hasn’t come by yet.

Our class has been playing with many gingerbread themed items again this week, along with other toys.

There are many, many versions of the story “The Gingerbread Boy”. We have quite a large collection, all a bit different. We even read “The Gingerbread Pup” and “The Gingerbread Bear”. This week we read two books that are based on the tale of the Gingerbread Boy, but use different characters. WhIle I was reading “Stop That Pickle”, Mrs. Dotivala was busy turning a leftover Persian cucumber into the pickle in the story. In the story, the pickle does not get eaten but rather continues to run away. When I finished reading, I showed the children the ‘real’ pickle so they could see that it is still running away. Every mouth dropped….they were shocked to see the pickle had run into our room. Moments like these, watching the children’s joy, are what keep all the teachers at MWS coming back year after year. The book “Can’t Catch Me” is about an ice cube that runs out of the freezer and wants to jump in the sea to grow into a large iceberg.

This Gingerbread Family visited during Circle Time this week. Your child can tell you all their names.

Have a wonderful and joyous Holiday week and we’ll see you on January 2.




Gingerbread Season