Who Ate the Cheese?
We have completed our first full week of school and the children are learning each other’s names, the teachers’ names, and how to be a kind classmate to all their new friends. They have also enjoyed the silly things that happen in the Orange Classroom along with the more serious times. Everyone has had the opportunity to take a ‘pretend’ bite of cheese and the laughter from the children is a joy as new teachers come into our classroom and are offered a bite of cheese. I suggest you tell your child that you heard that Mrs. Levine has some cheese to eat and see if they tell you about it.
The children know that I have a Circle Time bucket that is only touched by the teachers. It is amazing how everyone learned that on Day 1. Many of the things I use at this time is at my fingertips, including many props that delight the children (such as the cheese). This week the children met Daisy Duck and Donald Duck who live in the appropriately colored trash cans. I have a treasure trove of ‘props’ to show the children when I need them to sit in the circle for a little longer.
Below are photos of some of the choices the children used in the Big Room this week.
Our Day
On Friday we looked at the cards on our Order of the Day chart. The picture cards help the children learn the routine and see all the activities still to come before going home.
Many days this week we sang a song that goes along with the picture on the left. On Friday, while the children were sitting on the rug waiting for everyone to take a turn in the bathroom, someone started singing the song. Next thing I knew, most of the children were singing it. I brought out the felt so we could all sing it together. If your children starts singing some of the words, now you’ll know the whole song.
(tune: ABCD song)
Color it red it’s a big fire truck,
Color it yellow, it's a fluffy duck,
Color it blue, it's the sky above,
Color it white, it's a little dove,
Color it green, it's a leafy tree,
Color it brown, it's the wood you see,
Color it black, it's a big freight train,
Color it striped, it's a candy cane.
Each week we will have a friend visit during Circle Time. This week, after reading the book “Biscuit”, Biscuit came to our class and stayed all week. And just as we sing our Hello song for all the children and teachers, we sing it to our visitor. Ask your child how to sing the Hello song to Biscuit because he doesn’t understand English.