September Newsletter/Welcome

For the month of September, the Red Class spent time getting to know each other. We learned our classroom routine and classroom rules. We started our Alphabet Book: S for Scarecrow and A for apple, acorn and alligator. We introduced the numbers 4 and 2. We played in the Big Room.

The weather has been beautiful, so we spent lots of quality time on the playground and patio. We had an alphabet scavenger hunt. The children had to write their name in their journal and then find all the letters in their names .

The first week of school we read Chester the Brave and The Kissing Hand. We also read some Pete the Cat the books. All these help with social emotional skills and beginning of the year skills. We played games and worked on the letters in our name. The children search for the letters in their name and hung them on the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Tree. We made germs to send home after the children learned how to wash their hands and why it’s important.

Thank You all for a wonderful first month of school,

Mrs. Arsenault


Leaves are Falling


In Conclusion