Happy Mother’s Day

The children have taken home the special gifts they made for their mothers today (Thursday) and the remaining ones will go home tomorrow. Whether you open it immediately or wait till Sunday, I want you to be aware that a copy of the Mother’s Day song that all of the children have learned is in the bag. We have sung it as a group many times and all of the children have taken turns singing it on their own. Hopefully, your child will sing it to you on your special day.

I’m sure I can speak for the MWS staff when I say we have been blown away by all the goodies coming in this week. It’s also been a surprise each day when new selections appear on the table. I took this picture on Monday, unaware that each day another treat would arrive. Thank you very much.


Do you ask your child early in their week who our special guest is during Circle Time, or do you wait till this update to find out? This week our guest is a white goose. Your child can tell you how to sing our Hello song to the goose.


Picture Day


A Dog, A Donut, & Apple Juice