Apple Season

I never tire of apple season, even though it comes around every year. Our classroom has many, many apple-themed books for the children, apple inspired toys, apple songs and poems, and apple projects. In fact, there are so many good preschool projects that we will continue with making more during part of next week. We have been singing this song and perhaps your child would sing it along with you.

(Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star)

Apple, apple on the tree,
I know you are good for me.
You are fun to munch and crunch,
For a snack or in my lunch.
Apple, apple on the tree,
I know you are good for me.


Today (Friday), the children made a project to go along with the story “Ten Apples Up On Top” by Dr. Suess, which I read Thursday and again today. They also enjoyed putting the felt apples atop the felt head.

Our bulletin boards are now covered with the children’s projects.


Busy Hands


Settling In