Busy Hands

The children keep very busy at school. Whether they are creating their daily project, working on puzzles, playing with trains, or using scissors, school is a place to try many activities. The job to water the plant is rotated to a new child every day, and eye-hand coordination is used to get the water into the plant and not on the floor. This week some of the objects were on the tables every day because the children didn’t tire of them. Every day, they were constantly in use. Here are some examples:

Attending preschool is a new experience for most of the children. This is the first time they are in a large group setting and they are learning what that means. I tried to walk to and from the playground the first weeks of school with the children 2 x 2 holding hands. It was an adventure as some children would leave the ‘white lines’ and walk with their partner in a completely different direction than the rest of the line. Some pairs seemed unaware that other children were in front of them and walked around them, even attempting to go in front of the line leader and teacher. I pulled out our ‘rings’ and feel much safer as we cross the parking lot. Though some need reminders to hold onto their ring, we are now staying together and making it to our destination. Another aspect of being part of a group involves social skills. MWS has a large collection of age-appropriate books on this topic and we have begun to read them.

Our newest apple art projects are decorating our classroom bulletin board. Soon we’ll be making many beautiful leaf-themed projects.

Tearing the red and green paper to make the apples helps to strengthen small hand muscles needed for writing.

Tearing the red and green paper to make the apples helps to strengthen small hand muscles needed for writing.


Week 6


Apple Season