Mrs. Levine and her Kids

I find it hard to believe that this is my last Classroom News Update for this school year. When school begins in September, June always feels so far away that it is hard to imagine. Nonetheless, here we are. Some children had their last day today and tomorrow will be the last day for the others. Our last week has been jam-packed with fun experiences. Yesterday and today, Farmer Sandy and her goats visited MWS. A fenced-in area was made outside to allow the baby goats and the children to play together. The children enjoyed chasing, petting, feeding grass, holding and watching the goats. The goats will try to eat everything, particularly clothing and shoelaces. They love to climb on the backs of anyone who gets down on the ground. Because of the way their teeth develop, they do not actually bite, but rather squish things they put in their mouths, so no one is in harm’s way. I have had many children sit upon my lap and I’m ending the year with a different type of ‘kid’ sitting upon my lap. Mrs. Reiss and Mrs. Dotivala always love to have the goats climb on their backs. Mrs. Dotivala says it’s the best massage for her tight back muscles! Farmer Sandy and the goats come to us from in Bedford, MA. Visit their web-site for more information about activities for families and children.

MWS always closes out the year with a special snack of ice cream. Because we have children with last days on both Thursday and Friday, we are having ice cream for snack two days in a row. Everyone enjoyed this special treat today.

Last week your child brought home their Memory Book from their time at MWS. I hope you enjoyed all the photographs of your child showing him/her engaged with many different school activities. I always enjoy looking at their photos and self-portraits over the course of the year to see the changes.

I hope you have a relaxing and fun summer. I will see the returning students in September and I wish the best to those families moving to new schools or returning to Japan. On behalf of Mrs. Dotivala, Mrs. Lyng, and Mrs. Wiryaman, I want to thank you for giving us the gift of your children and all of the fun we have had with them.


A New School Year


The Big Room