A New School Year

We’re off to a busy start of the New School Year. Many of the children had their 2nd day of school today, others started today, two will start over the next two weeks. Even I had my 1st day today. I know that some children go home and talk a lot about their time in school and some say very little (or nothing). Listed below are some ‘Conversation Starters’, along with answers, to help you and your child talk about their first days at school. Both Wednesday and Thursday were very similar; I’ve noted some of the differences in the answers.

  1. Did you wash your hands after you hung up your school bag? yes

  2. What color is your name tag? Orange (and your child’s photo is on their name tag)

  3. Did you use the bathroom at school? yes Did you wash your hands after the bathroom? yes

  4. Did you wash your hands before snack? yes Did you open your napkin? yes

  5. What did you have for snack? Ritz crackers and water

  6. What did you do after snack? cleaned up snack and read books on the rug

  7. What did you do in the Big Room? possibilities: large cubes for climbing and jumping, balance beam, rocking boats, large blocks & trucks, and balls

  8. What story was read during Circle Time? Clifford the Big Red DogWha friend came out of the bag after the story? Clifford (hand puppet)

  9. What did you see from the teachers's special bucket? wind-up toy dogs (Wed. & Thurs.); Blue and Purple Sofia (Thurs. only) (please remind your child that only the teachers may touch the things in the teacher’s special bucket)

  10. Did you go to the playground? yes on Wednesday; it was raining on Thursday

  11. What songs did you sing on Thursday? 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star’, ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’, and ‘Open Shut Them, Open Shut them'

The children will learn and get comfortable with our school routine very quickly. I saw that on their 2nd day that they already were familiar with the classroom. For many children who spent the last year and a half at home, the wearing of masks is a fairly new experience. I encourage you to practice wearing one at home or when you are away from your house to help your child get used to wearing it.


Fire Drill and Circle Time Props


Mrs. Levine and her Kids