Week 6

We are now 1 1/2 months into the school year and the class has begun to run on its own. I think I can speak for all of the Orange Class teachers that we now have time to breathe during the morning. The children have made peer bonds, enjoy each other’s company, and know what to do. They know what to do when told “it’s time to make your project”, “it’s your turn in the bathroom”, “wash your hands”, “clean-up time”, “Circle Time”, “time to get in line for the Big Room/Playground”, “everyone take a seat at the tables.” Already it’s a long-ago memory that we had to individually help each child for each of these instructions, though it’s only been 6 weeks since the first day.

Did you know that every classroom teacher has to submit a weekly schedule of their planned activities to the MWS office and post it in the classroom ? Not only does this help everyone working in the classroom know what to expect, it’s actually a MA Department of Early Education and Child Care requirement. You can see my lesson plan book for October to see my thinking. After I write down a plan, I type it up, along with the songs, poems, easel activities, and loft toys that will be used. And though I post the lesson plan in my room, I often make changes day-to-day or hour-by-hour based of the interests of the children.

It was only a 4-day week but a very happy one because of beautiful playground weather every day. This week was our 2nd week of Music class with Mrs. Wada (Tuesdays) and Creative Movement Class with Mrs. Lyng (Wednesdays). Though both classes are taught with a lot of music, they have different goals. In Music Class, the children learn many musical terms and learn choreographed steps to a variety of types of music. In Creative Movement, the children exercise many parts of their bodies thru movements with children’s songs. I bring musical terms from Mrs. Wada into the classroom. Everyone knows the songs to sing to learn when to use a soft voice or a beautifully loud voice. In fact, when a child is shouting indoors, they know what to do when told “use your piano voice.” Show the red cards below to your child and he/she will be able to teach you.

Piano (soft) and Forte (beautifully loud)

Piano (soft) and Forte (beautifully loud)

We have a new class visitor who arrived this week. Do you remember Biscuit, our dog that we sing our Hello song to every day? He was getting a bit lonely, so his friend Mittens has now joined our class. If you remember how to sing to Biscuit, I’m sure you know how to sing to Mittens, but in case you need a reminder, just ask your child!

Some of the activities the children enjoyed this week are below.


Pre-writing Activities


Busy Hands