Caw Caw

Were you just as mixed up as I was this week trying to remember what day of the week it was? With no school on Tuesday and Friday, I kept thinking it was the wrong day. The Orange Class is grateful to the parents who put together the 3rd annual Story Walk at MWS. During Circle time we talked about the many ways to read a book: read the words on the page, have someone else read the words, read the pictures by telling a story based on them, listen to a tape or cd while looking at the pictures, closing your eyes and listen to the story, or take a walk while reading a story. We were able to go on the Story Walk on two different days and the children and all the teachers loved it.

This week the children made scarecrows, crows, and corn for our bulletin board. I’ll take a picture after the carrots get ‘planted’ in the field. There was a lot of crow talk (caw caw) and scarecrow talk (shoo shoo) when reading the books or singing.

Here’s a fun song the children enjoyed singing.

Our Circle Time visitor was this scarecrow. On Monday, one child said the scarecrow needed snack when the children were going to the tables. I set the scarecrow at a table with a napkin and he was given one tortilla chip for snack. When the children were distracted and all looked away, I removed the chip. When I pointed out to the children that the scarecrow had eaten his snack, they didn’t question it. I love teaching this age group!


Turkey, Anyone?


Lots of Squirrels