Dinosaur Week

Dinosaur Week is very meaningful to me. Last year, March 2020, the Orange Classroom had Dinosaur Week this same week. However, we only made it through four days of Dinosaur Week when everything shut down, March 12, 2020. I am very glad to have a full 5-day week for Dinosaur Week and that we will continue with the rest of the school year curriculum. Two days ago, March 10, my husband asked me what happened a year ago. I only had March 12 in my thoughts so I couldn’t answer. It was the last time he went to MIT (Cambridge). After going there continuously since 1967, it is strange to not set foot on campus for an entire year. He misses his MIT laptop and books, which have been locked in his office since then.

Everyday the children made dinosaur themed projects, had a variety of dinosaur toys/puzzles to play with, had lots of dinosaur books to read, and sang songs and poems. Our special dinosaur friend joined us for Circle Time everyday. You’ll have to ask your child how we sang our Hello song to him.


The children enjoyed a book we listened to on Friday called “Saturday Night at the Dinosaur Stomp”. I held up the book, turning the pages, but we listened to it from a YouTube video by Matthuit. There are many versions of it being read on YouTube, but this one has music. After listening two times, we talked about going to a dance/stomp with dinosaurs. Some children would like to, but some were quite skeptical that there would be any dinosaurs. You may have fun watching the YouTube video and then talking about going to a dinosaur stomp.

Root canal update: It was wonderful this week to have no toothache. The pain was all-consuming, making the thought of meal prep, reading, even sleep difficult. But I could tell by Sunday night that something wasn’t right. I was at the dentist yesterday to start the work on 2 crowns and I told him that something was wrong. Sure enough, he could see that the metal ring that was around the tooth during the root canal had cut into the tissue. Now I have to wait for that to heal before moving forward. However, the pain from this is almost inconsequential compared to that of the terrible toothache. I think it will take a couple more months to get this episode and all its resultant work finished.


A Colorful Week


Dots Everywhere