Farm Week

The Orange Classroom went to the farm this week, or as close to it as possible without leaving our school. The room was filled with farm animals, many kinds of barns, puzzles, books, songs, and art projects all related to the farm. Many of the offerings are shown below..

Every day we sang a song using stuffed farm animals as prompts. The children loved this song and sang with gusto. They could be heard all the way down the hall and in the office. I encourage you to sing this at home - you’ll have quite a treat. When you start the words, they will know the tune.

I went to visit a farm one day. I saw a cow across the way. And what do you think I heard it say? Moo, moo, moo. Moo, moo moo.
….sheep….Baa, baa,baa

…pig…Oink, oink, oink

…horse…Neigh, neigh, neigh

…dog…Woof, woof, wook

….duck…Quack, quack, quack

….cat….Meow, meow, meow

…goose….Honk, honk, honk

…rooster….Cockadoodle doo, cockadoodle doo, cockadoodle doo,

Our bulletin board is a crowded farm. As more animals have been going up during the week, the children have been commenting on the animals that got out of their fence and have gone into that of other animals. Our chickens are special: they lay eggs with the names of the children!

On Thursday, I read the lovely story Farmer Will. Will loves to play with his toy farm animals. In the story, he brings them outside every day, where the animals can ‘stretch’ and he appears to play with live animals. In the end, he brings them back inside as they revert to toy animals. I used props to recreate the action in the story. The children were mesmerized hearing the story while watching the props. Some children wanted to know how the animals became real and I told them the animals were real in Will’s imagination. Your children are at the cusp of identifying fact from fiction, true or false, real or pretend.

On Friday, Mrs. Reiss came to our door and said “Children, hurry and come out into the hall.” I had no idea why she wanted us all to leave our classroom but we sure hurried. We were all surprised to see the three new students who want to come and have fun at MWS.


Birds and Goats


Happy Mother’s Day