Birds and Goats

Another year, another visit with birds and goats. Has your child been singing bird songs at home this week? They enjoyed listening and learning them. We used this book and learned phrases to help remember the songs.

Robin: Cheerily cheer up, cheerily cheer up
Cardinal: Cheer Cheer, Party Party Party, Cheer Cheer, Party Party Party
Chickadee: Chickadee dee dee dee dee, Chickadee dee dee dee dee
Towhee: Drink your tea tweet, drink your tea tweet
Bobwhite: Bob - white, Bob - white
Barred Owl: Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you?

The children had many bird themed choices this week all around the classroom.

On Thursday, baby goats from Chip-In Farm in Bedford visited at MWS. Each class had a designated time in which they were able to go into the fenced in area to play with the goats. Some children dove right in and ran around with the goats, patting them and picking them up. It was also fun to sit or lay on the grass letting the goats climb on top. Some children were more hesitant, staying on the grass, but keeping a safe distance. If you’ve never been to Chip-In Farm, I highly recommend a visit. It’s a treat for all. Four goats came to MWS. I was not able to get a picture of them together but they looked like these goats that came last year.




Farm Week