Spring is Here

It is a wonderful thing when Spring and warmer weather arrive. Everything seems brighter and cheerful. The children have loved going to the playground every day with all of the running, climbing, and sand toys. There even is treasure buried in the sandbox. Little pieces of shiny shapes (leaves, stars, moon, etc.) are fun to gather. Rather than pocket the treasure, the children put their finds in a bucket and the next day we bury it in the sandbox again to have another treasure hunt.

Our bulletin boards are full of the beautiful forsythia and cherry blossoms the children made. For each project, they made one at the the art table with glue and tissue paper, and another one at the painting easel. It’s nice to see their interpretations of the flowers using two different mediums.


Our Circle Time friend this week has been an orangutan named Bananas. Your child should be able to tell you how to sing our Hello song to Bananas. The children are all familiar with my portable toilet. Today (Friday) we had a Crazy Mixed Up Day. We went to the playground two times, first thing in the morning and at the end of the morning. Any child who chose to use the bathroom at the beginning of the morning did, but they were not required to try. I brought my portable toilet to the playground in case anyone had the need. You can imagine the laughter and comments that ensued.

This year, because of COVID, our music specialist, Mrs. Noriko Wada, and our movement specialist, Mrs. Elizabeth Lyng, have been teaching by creating wonderful videos that we watch on a large screen in the atrium. Mrs. Lyng actually also is an assistant in our class on Tuesdays, so she is considered part of our cohort. When she is in the building assisting with all of the cleaning on other days, we watch her video with the real Mrs. Lyng also in the front of the group. The following pictures are of their screen images which I want to show you so you can see what your child sees.


Pre-Vacation Week


Pete the Cat Week