Healthy Teeth

This week we talked about healthy teeth and going to the dentist. There were projects, activities, songs, stories, and even a real dentist at school. All of the children painted a tooth for our enormous mouth on the bulletin board.

MWS is fortunate to have a parent who is a pediatric dentist. Katie McCafferty visited on Thursday to talk about dental care. She cleaned the crocodile’s teeth and every child had a chance to use the giant toothbrush to clean a giant mouth. Dr. McCafferty showed food pictures while the children decided if they were healthy or not. The healthy cards were turned over and nice, white teeth went on the board. But the unhealthy food turned to teeth with black spots. I hope your children enjoyed the items that went home that Dr. McCafferty gave to the children. During the week I asked the children if they have been to visit the dentist. A few confidently said ‘yes’, but most either didn’t know or said ‘no.’ Everyone said they brush their teeth at home.


Dinosaur Week


Busy Classroom