Dinosaur Week
Preschoolers and dinosaurs go together like salt and pepper, peanut butter and jelly (just not at MWS), & mac and cheese. There are so many dinosaur activities available at MWS that three classes had Dinosaur Week at the same time. Here are some of the activities that were available during Free Play time.
Some of our art projects are on our classroom bulletin board.
On Friday, the children made dinosaur skeletons. After they covered the picture with glue, I gave them “dinosaur bones.” Some of the children told me it was really pasta or macaroni. I kept calling them bones. Sometimes, people have an association and it stays with them in different circumstances. One child said “mac and cheese bones'“ every time he held the elbow macaroni.
I have to now return to last week. I now realize that I forgot to include our Circle Time visitor from last week. Our visitors are very important to the boys and girls and they look forward to a new friend each week. In last week’s post there was no picture of our visitor and no one who read the update pointed it out to me that it was missing. This week, I’m posting both last week’s and this weeks special visitors. It is noteworthy that the horse came without the fence. When I put him on the rug, one of the children said “Don’t him gallop away” so I found a fence for him. When the children said “He can jump over the fence” I replied “He’s a baby horse and doesn’t know how to jump.” They were satisfied with that answer and all week made the comment “He’s a baby so he can’t jump over the fence.”