Shapes Everywhere

The boys and girls enjoyed playing with, searching for, and creating pictures with shapes this week. Most activities in the classroom involved shapes. Our rug was also very popular as it was the first week that the school’s collection of pirate ships was available in the Orange Classroom.

Our Circle Time friends were shapes, of course.

The children love treasure hunts and they had to find their matching shape hidden around the classroom.

In our Tuesday Music Class, Mrs. Wada has begun to introduce music from the Nutcracker ballet. In the next 3 weeks, we will learn dance routines to go along with different songs in the ballet. Our Wednesday Movement class continues to a favorite time, with the children having fun following the movements expressed in the songs. Each week, the first and last song is the same with a rotation for the middle 5 songs. On Fridays, the children enjoy another Movement Class with the Red Class. Today we used rhythm sticks or bean bags for all the songs. They did a wonderful job listening to the instructions and look forward to doing it again.


Process Art

