
Your children have been very busy this week but haven’t brought their projects home and I am not at liberty to post pictures of their work. If you think about the calendar and what will happen on Sunday, May 14 you will understand why the children and I cannot tell you what has kept them busy. Usually the pictures I post are good for conversation starters, but this week, it’s best not to ask any questions about project time. I have two pictures about our sensory table that I can share with you.

When the week began, I thought we’d never make it to the playground because of the weather. Instead the children and all of the teachers were very happy to get outside 4 out of 5 days. On Thursday, when it was too wet to go outside, we took a tour of our building. It was fun as the children were amazed to walk up and down staircases, go down hallways, and walk through the church sanctuary that were all new to them. We all agreed that we will take a tour of the building again.

In our Tuesday Music Class, Mrs. Wada has introduced the children to the music of Carnival of the Animals. This book is the version that she uses to show the animal illustrations to the children. Mrs. Wada teaches a dance or movements to go along with each animal. The children were surprised on Thursday when I pulled out the same book and played some of the music in our class. They enjoyed doing a version of Mrs. Wada’s routines in our own classroom on a rainy day.

Each week on Thursday or Friday, we have our Movement Class, led by me. Now that the children have been in this class since September, they need little instruction because they know the songs and the movements. Each week I create a new playlist which always begins with ‘Warm Up Time’ and ends with’ It’s Such a Good Feeling’. I’ve posted a small sample of the children’s favorite songs. I use Apple Music to access the songs, but many, if not all, of the songs are also on Spotify. If you have a music streaming service, your child may enjoy showing you how to move to the songs. I would love to know if any of the children can show their family how to do it.


Happy Mother’s Day


A Mo Willems Week