Welcoming a Friend
A new friend joined the Orange Class this week. Her picture has been on our class picture board since the beginning of school and the children welcomed her on Wednesday. It would touch your hearts to see how the boys and girls took her under their wings and showed her all around our classroom. The teachers were able to watch the experienced children show her how to play with the toys, held her hand to show her where to line up, walk in the crosswalk, point to the place on the paper to put the paint, and where to sit during Circle Time. Sometimes the teachers wonder why we are in the class at all!
Our sensory table turned into a safari this week. The children enjoyed creating scenes with the animals.
A few other toys that the children enjoyed playing with this week were:
On Thursday, the children painted a pumpkin by dipping duplos into paint. On Friday, each child took a turn with me to cut their pumpkin out. You can see in the picture 2 pair of scissors with different size finger holes. The children with very small or thin fingers have most success when using the one with 2 small holes. The children with larger hands and fingers use the one with the larger hole. I hope you have children’s scissors at home for your child to practice. Start with free cutting as in a previous post, then move onto cutting straight lines.
This image shows a red speaker and a black speaker. Your children notice everything around them. They know that if we are using the red speaker, Mrs. Wada is teaching her music class (always on Tuesday). If they see me get out my black speaker, they know that we are going to have movement class (the day varies). Both classes are held in the purple room. During movement class, we listen to children’s action songs and follow the movements that are being sung. In both classes, the children are using their bodies to move according to directed instructions.
Our Circle Time visitor was this friendly lion. I bet you can guess how we sang our Hello song to him. On Friday he also recited our new poem “Pumpkins on the…..” (It will go home next week). Ask your child how he recited the poem. When the lion was finished, I said to the children “Did you hear the lion say the poem?”. All the children said yes, but one child said “That was you saying it.” I changed the subject quickly before anyone heard the truth:)