Winter Weather?
We have gone from -15 degrees to 57 degrees in a short period of time. The calendar says it’s winter, but it’s hard to tell when we go to the playground. One thing that’s for certain is there is mud on the playground. When we return to the classroom from the playground, the mud stays on the boot bottoms, but the next day, all the dried mud lands on the classroom floor and rug. Please help keep our room clean by shaking the dirt off the boots before returning them to school.
This week we have a beautiful bulletin board with birch trees and cardinals. The children used a crayon to make the black lines that are typical on birch trees.
Are you familiar with the classic Jan Brett story The Mitten? The children heard the story both Monday and Tuesday and made a project with all of the animals. I introduced the mitten you see in the photo with the animal rocks and showed them how tell the story using these props. It was so popular an activity that children were playing with it Tuesday through Friday. We also acted out the story with the children taking turns holding a large printed picture of the animals or holding the mitten (a white tablecloth). As we sang a retelling of the story, the children holding the pictures went ‘into’ the mitten. This was also very popular.
Later in the week we started having Valentine’s Day activities in the mix. When the divided tray of stickers, stampers, etc., was out on Friday, the children loved decorating hearts. And what better combination can there be than that of sand, trucks, and hearts ?
Our Circle Time visitor was Valentine Bear. I cannot adequately describe to you how to sing to him so you’ll need to ask for a demonstration by your child. Note that he is covered in kisses. We are enjoying the 3 beautiful flowers on our amaryllis.