The class kept busy with snowmen activities this week. Their projects were snowmen or snow covered tree scenes. Some of the snowmen are hanging on our bulletin board. It’s interesting to watch the children create their projects. There is usually a sample to be seen, and a teacher explains the steps. The children are then at liberty to create their own interpretation of the project.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, we read a book called “The Snowy Day” by Ezra Jack Keats. On Wednesday, we made a project based on the story. The children had a sample of the project and also the page from the book that we were recreating. The page from the book is displayed on the bulletin board, and you are able to see one way to take an artist’s picture and interpret it for preschool. After talking about the story and its character often, the children felt connected to Peter, the boy in the red snowsuit.
This week the sensory table contained “Wedgits”. The children had not played with these before and they were a big hit. On Friday, the children each were given a piece of the felt snowmen as seen below. First the children with the white circles were called up to make the snowmen. Then the hats were put on. It was interesting to see that as the children were called up with scarves and arms, they matched the color of the hat without any instruction.
Our amaryllis plant is blooming! We were all excited to come to school today and see the red flowers are opening up. There will be 3 flowers when all are opened. Stay tuned…….
Last but not least, our Circle Time visitors were a big hit. Big Brother Olaf and Little Brother Olaf came to visit us. The children were enthralled when Big Brother Olaf talked to them. He blinked his eyes, turned his head to look at all of the children, and said “How are you doing?” and “I missed you”. Every day the children were happy when the two Olafs visited during Circle Time.