Colorful Days

We have been trying to brighten these rainy March days with our own colorful projects. Around St. Patrick’s Day we made rainbows and talked about what needs to be present in order to make a rainbow: sun, rain and clouds. Last week we asked the children to choose their favorite color. Then they “went shopping” in the sensory table for objects that matched their favorite color. They proceeded to make beautiful color collages with their found objects. And of course, the children always love making colorful masterpieces at the easel.

We even brought out some colorful building materials. These Playstix were a fun discovery and challenged the children to find new and different ways to build.

We are lucky to have the Big Room for rainy days. These children LOVE to build. We are continually amazed by their creations.

We had one birthday this month: March 7th was Brooke’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Brooke!

We talked a lot in March about how the weather can be like spring and winter. Each day after coming in from the playground, we would ask the children if it was more like a spring day or a winter day. According to the Yellow Class, March turned out to have more winter-like days. We are hoping that April will be more spring-like. Bring on the sunshine and flowers!

Maggie and Jan


Welcome Spring!!


Welcome Back!