Apple Season
In Circle Time we:
Sang good morning to our friends; matching names with picture cards
Solved a riddle; find more in the ‘What We Read This Week’ section
Went over our daily schedule
Sang “Have you ever seen an apple?”
Practiced our poem
What We Read This Week
Apple Surprise with apple puppet
My friend ate an apple and it was sweet. My dad ate an apple and it was crisp. My mom ate an apple and it was juicy, etc. Mrs. Rappaport ate an apple and…..YUCK! There’s a worm inside! credit due to Mrs. Levine’s apple pupper
The Apple Pie Tree by Zoe Hall
The Little Red House Scholastic Reader
The little red house is the riddle that we solved in circle time. Where can you find a little red house with no windows, no doors, a chimney on top, with a star inside? It’s an apple! We cut open an apple to see the star inside
Who Had Jobs This Week?
Line Leaders: Hannah and Maika
Plant Helpers: Maika and Henry
In Art We Made
Apple Suncatchers
This was a two day activity; the children were asked to paint an entire paper plate red. This takes more work and stamina than you would think! The kids also learned to use pipettes to pick up water color and deposit in onto a paper coffee filter. Kids enjoyed watching the color spread as the paper filter absorbed the watercolor.
The next day the kids finished their apple suncatcher by stapling the dyed filter to their red paper plate. They used their muscles squeezing out glue and applying paper ‘seeds,’ as well as punching a hole on top to add a ‘stem.’ I hope they brighten your homes
Red Items Collage
The kids were given matte board and asked to decorate it with various red materials. Mrs. Rappaport will assembly the pieces to make a large class apple for our class bulletin board.
The kids also painted large apples and did dot pages on the easel. Dot art helps build hand eye coordination and engages their fine motor muscles. They are also learning how to control the pressure applied to make a mark. Once the children are comfortable with dot pages at a table, they move to easel. The easel is more challenging because it forces them to change the angle of their wrist and helps builds those pre-writing skills.
Sensory Fun
Fun Happenings
It was Christo’s Birthday this week turning the big 0-3!
Camping under the loft
Cars in the big room
From the Action Cam:
Here are some conversation topics:
What is a little red house with no windows, no doors, a chimney on top, and a star on the inside? An Apple
Who had a birthday this week? Christo
What were our books about this week? Apples
What was the fresh fruit this week? Apples- We will typically have our fresh fruit or vegetable on Thursdays. We ask everyone to try. Please make sure your little ones have an extra good breakfast on Thursdays
Things to look forward to next week
Music class begins; we will have music every Tuesday moving forward with Mrs. Wada.
Apple tasting
Continue all things fall
Have a wonderful weekend,
Ms. Rappaport