Green Week
“Every journey begins with a single hop.”
- Kermit the Frog
In circle time we…
Monday we talked about what we did to stay safe during the fire drill (P.S. Everyone did amazing!)
Reviewed classroom rules
Practiced sitting sit criss-cross applesauce
Sang our hello to our friends with photo cards; Ms. Rappaport tried to trick the class this by mixing up names and pictures, no one was fooled!
Read our poem out-loud and took turns pointing to our body parts
Learned the song “Five Green and Speckled Frogs”
What books did we read this week?
Who had jobs?
Line Leaders: Ethan and Hannah
Plant Helpers: Hannah and Maika
In art this week we made:
A Frog on a Lily Pad
Kids used pot scrubbers to paint the entire surface of the plate, wrapped paper around a pencil for the tongue, experienced the feeling of getting their hand painted, and made a handprint by pressing flat hands down on paper
Fly swatter frog
The students were asked to “speckle” their frog. They learned out how to cover their fly swatter with paint and exert enough force to “swat” down and make a print. Kids were then asked to twist tissue paper into “flies” and press them into the paper
Kids also used hole punches, stickers, glue sticks, and bingo markers during free art stations.
Sensory table fun
And Other Fun Happenings
We celebrated Maika’s birthday. She turned the big 0-3! Happy birthday to you! Birthday dog came out to sing to her
And our new friend Weston joined us on Thursday! (See above)
Conversation topics to ask your student:
Who had a birthday this week? Maika
What was the special birthday snack? Annie’s birthday bunnies
What was the special friend that sang Happy Birthday to Maika? Doggie
Did we have a new friend join the class? Weston
What game did you play with Mrs. Levine’s classroom in big room? Passed a ball over our heads in a relay
What was the color and theme this week? Green and frogs
What was the fresh fruit this week? Watermelon
We have a short and fun week coming up, here are a few things to look forward to:
Christo’s school birthday on Tuesday
Ella joins the class on Thursday
We begin talking about apples!
From the Action Cam: