It’s Spring

The hot weather seemed to creep up on us out of nowhere. The temperature toward the end of the week is not what I expect to have before April vacation. Alas, more seasonal temperatures will be here tomorrow. One sure sign of spring at MWS is having the sand toys back in the playground sandbox.

When the temperature is hot like this week has been, this spray bottle is the most invaluable tool on the playground. A spritz of water on the children does wonders to cool them down. Today the children were very happy to to be ‘watered.’

Every day this week the children created a flower that is typically seen in the spring. On our bulletin board, you can see Pussy Willows, Cherry Blossoms, Daffodils, and Hyacinths. On Friday the children made Forsythia’s.

Some of the activities for the children this week are below.

This week the Purple Room was unavailable for our Music and Movement Classes. Instead we had these classes in the Big Room. The children were great at adapting to a different space. On Tuesday when we had Music class, there were movable dividing walls separating the Big Room equipment from the Music space. On Thursday, the walls were not dividing the space. Earlier in the year, I tried to have Movement Class in the Big Room but the children were too distracted by the equipment so we always use the Purple Room. On Friday I was able to see how much your children have grown. We had Movement Class and the children were never distracted by the equipment. Hooray for your children.


A Mo Willems Week


Monsters, etc.