Line Up Time

Your children know what to do when it is Line Up Time. In our classroom, the Line Leader stands on the red square and everyone else lines up behind on a blue square. In the Big Room, we line up on the green line. When the children are able to make up their play experience on their own, it is sometimes a surprise to see what happens. On Thursday, one girl directed others to have the balls line up. Notice the small balls are in front of the bigger balls (little kids and big kids). Also, note the front of the line. The small green ball is the Line Leader and it’s next to the yellow ball teacher. Children are very creative and love to act out their experiences.

There were many choices in our classroom this week to keep the children very busy.

Kapla blocks and cats were out this week. Below you can see them in three different arrangements.

These 2-piece puzzles look like a simple activity. But they create a lot of conversation with the children. When a teacher mixes them up or turns them all over making it very ‘tricky’, the children love to show how quickly they can put them back together.

Our Circle Time visitor this week has been Mr. Potato Head. See if your child uses his/her deepest voice to sing the Hello song to him.


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